Sunday, 1 September 2013

In which we practise packing...


How to get a round peg in a square hole...or, alternatively, how to pack a house into a suitcase?

Now, packing in our house is usually man's work...all I have to do is make the task increasingly impossible.  Works a treat!

The suitcase came from Paul's grandma many years ago and has been sitting in a cupboard with a variety of treasures such as my wedding dress, baby clothes, birthday cards and other such mementos.  So, you can imagine the first trauma of finding space for them all, along with all the memories.  Can I throw them away?  Far, far too hard!

We've never used this suitcase for its correct purpose because it's far too big...well that is until now!  We have:
  • 2 motor bike helmets
  • 1 iron (yes!  In Ghana everything gets ironed to kill off the insect eggs that have been laid in the washing whilst it's drying.  Great!  No skimping on that job then)
  • 1 printer (We were told it would be a useful item to avoid frustration)
  • 2 laptops
  • A year's supply of sunscreen, insect repellent, shampoo, moisturizer (don't go ANYWHERE without this), ibuprofen and the like
  • Boots and shoes (Oh! How to choose which shoes to take?!)
To name but a few things. 

Clothes are just a minor part of the process.

Anyway, we concluded (or at least the packing genie did) that we have sufficient bags to pack everything in.  I'm not convinced we have enough camels to carry it all though.

"What about wheels?"  I hear myself ask.  Clearly wheels are not manly enough!  Man made backs first didn't he?  And anyway, you can't pull wheels across the ruts in the roads in Zebilla. 
I can't really argue with this; I'll just have to keep up with the weight training!

So, now for our next trick...